On Sunday I took a walk through the center of Madrid and came home with a big conclusion. It's official. March has come and brought us the new season. You will say no, it is still cold, rain is still lacking and, by God, we're just talking about early March. However, in the fashion environment, seasons are marked by the monthly magazines and by the shop windows. And both of them are clear, spring is here.
Echamos entonces la vista atrás, a las semanas de la moda del pasado otoño, para intentar recordar cuales fueron los dictados para esta temporada. Y si la memoria no suele dar para tanto, para eso están, de nuevo las revistas, e internet. Y ya, con la lección aprendida nos acercamos a nuestros comercios favoritos, para observar y captar como se traducen dichos dictados, de la pasarela a las tiendas.
Then we take a look back at fashion weeks last fall, trying to remember which were issued for this season. And if memory is not enough for us to remember, the help comes, again from magazines, and internet. And then, with the lesson learned, we run to our favorite stores to catch sight wether the coolest dictates we get from catwalks, are already reflected in shops.
Ignoro cuanto dinero está previsto que las españolas gastemos esta temporada en renovar nuestros armarios, pero en lo que se refiere a mi, inicio una etapa de austeridad forzosa que me va a mantener (o debería mantenerme al menos) lejos de las tiendas. Entre otras cosas, me voy a quedar con las ganas de la colección de Marni para H&M. Esta semana sale a la venta por fin. Y creo que esta es una de las pocas veces que me apetece aprovechar estas ya famosas joint-venture que el gigante sueco, realiza con diseñadores consagrados. De lo poco que he visto, me gusta todo.
I do not know how much money are we to spend this season renewing our closets, but regarding to me, I´m beginning a period of forced austerity that will keep me (or should keep me at least) away from the shops. Among other things, I will stay with the desire of buying something of Marni collection for H&M. It will be at stores this week, at last. And I think this is one of the few times I want to take advantage of these now famous joint-venture that the Swedish giant, made with famous designers. From all I've seen, I like everything.
"Mi intención es crear un auténtico guardarropa Marni actualizando los tejidos y
estampados de nuestras piezas más distintivas. Como siempre, adoro yuxtaponer
motivos y colores, combinando lo tribal moderno con el diseño gráfico de la
Bauhaus, todo ello aderezado con detalles funcionales deportivos". Eran palabras de Consuelo Castiglioni, directora creativa de la firma italiana. Y parece que lo ha conseguido con creces. La colección es de lo más apetecible, refleja frescura y versatilidad.
"My intention is to create a genuine Marni wardrobe updating the fabrics and patterns of our most distinctive pieces. As always, I love juxtaposing motifs and colors, combining modern tribal graphic design at the Bauhaus, all spiced with sports functional details." These were words of Consuelo Castiglioni, creative director of the Italian firm. And I think he has more than succeeded. The collection is most desirable, reflects freshness and versatility.
Stella Mccartney, Matthew Williamson, o Versace. He perdido la cuenta de cuantos han sido los diseñadores que se han asociado con H&M para poder acercar los diseños de pasarela al consumidor medio. Es una gran idea, ya que ambas partes salen reforzadas, en este caso, si bien no mucha gente puede presumir de conocer una firma como Marni, menos aún podemos presumir de poder comprarla. De esta manera, la firma Marni se acerca al gran público, y H&M se coloca, una vez más, en boca de todos.
Stella McCartney, Matthew Williamson, and Versace. I lost count of how many designers have been associated with H&M to bring us catwalk designs. It's a great idea, as both parties are strengthened.
In this case, although not many people can claim to know a firm like Marni, still less can presume to be able to buy it. Thus, the signature Marni approaches the public, and H&M is placed ,once again, on everyone´s lips.
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